After 12 years and numerous dry ice blasting projects working large scale factories, renovations, site work, construction projects, military projects, etc. we feel that larger corporate customers have a different need. A need to start their own dry ice blasting operations in house. We feel qualified to address this need and have started a consulting division within our company that might work for you!

Dry ice blasting is expensive work and can easily justify a corporate investment. We have seen where companies have decided to initiate heir own internal service, have committed to acquire the necessary equipment as well as the labor resources. They are ready to start their own operation. An experienced consultant can make a world of difference as they get started. We call this the ”role your own approach!

”Some want to hire a project manager and or an experienced dry ice blaster(s) to lead and direct their team until they are self sufficient and capable. We can work side by side with your team until they are confident and self sufficient.

Some have already purchased their own equipment only to have experienced employee turnover. They find themselves in a position where they need to retrain or to jumpstart and some training for their team. A viable option would be to hire a consultant.

We do that!

If you think you might be interested in our consulting service, give us a call. We can help you!